Chaos to Calm—Grounding 

Apr 01, 2024
person walking on ground

How often do you get out in nature, switch off your phone, and just step back from everyday life? How would you describe your life? Hectic? Busy? Filled with peace & calm?

 My own experience has been that life can be such a rollercoaster experience, it’s filled with highs, lows, and everything in between—so how do you stay grounded?

 What even is being grounded?

There is a science behind grounding, but in this instance, we are going with the alternative method. Grounded is being able to be mindful of what’s going on around you, how you and your body reacts to your surroundings, and the people in those surroundings. It’s the important part of us where we need to be being open, and aware of our thought’s, our body’s reaction and if there are triggered coming from this—it’s also about be connected to yourself enough where you can let go of what’s no longer serving you, so you can allow in those new positive thoughts, actions, and opportunities.

 Do you prepare for various challenges that may be thrown your way? Maybe you just wait for them to arrive and take them in your stride, or maybe you freak out, or you suffer anxiety, or you simply just feel like you are not coping and you are overflowing with stress….

Unfortunately, it’s all too easy to get lost along life’s path to success or getting caught up in societal expectations. Are you someone who likes to take risks or live life with caution? Take some time to ponder these questions…journal them out if you think that will help…. this is all pointed to help you see where you are right now, and the need for creating or ramping up your grounding skills.

Many of my clients tell me they are struggling with fatigue, and that they are struggling to get through each day. Here is some of what they say: ‘I have lost my mojo for life, I am just going through the motions, I am not sure where I can show up more, I have lost my purpose, what’s life about anyway, my direction is way off, and I don’t know how to get back on track, my life has been turned upside down’.

The first question I ask is ‘what’s changed?’ From here we work backwards and together we go deeper so they can find their own solution with me by their side providing guided support, kindness, encouragement and often a different perspective. This is what I call getting back to the basics, flipping the coin on how you see your current situation. It's often just a matter of challenging your thoughts on how you are showing up for yourself. You can start this by being grounded.

Grounding can give have a better vision of all this, and it can help you stay way more balanced, helping you better respond to your feelings, reminding you it’s your life, and it’s your choice to make a change or stay where you are; it’s totally up to you. So, how can you stay grounded, and stay ahead?

  1.  Meditation

Being grounded requires taking time to be mindful and aware. The best way to get practice doing this is to invest some of your time in meditation. Meditation requires you to focus on your body and organise your thoughts.

Meditation helps you better manage your stress during challenging times. As a certified meditation teacher and one who could never sit still, starting small with just a couple of minutes a day can change your life. Meditation really helps clear your thoughts, grounds you and gives you clarity and a sense of peace and wellbeing…. for me it’s a sense of balance in a crazy world.  

  1.  Gratitude

Practicing gratitude is essential if you want to stay grounded, regardless of if you’re having a bad or good day. It’s important to pay attention to what you’re thankful for, especially if you are only focused on what’s not working—your thoughts become things…. 

This also helps you focus on the positive, not the negative and, it’s a blunt reminder of what you do have, again this is a choice—your choice. Gratitude allows you to   take stock of what you really have, so you can be more realistic about your situation.

Gratitude is so simple, take a moment to write a list of the things you’re thankful for, it’s a great go to when you are having a rough day. Spend the time to write your list and be sure it is accessible, mine is in my phone. I also started by using a timer to remind myself to read it until I created a habit. Some people prefer to write these thoughts down in a journal—there’s no wrong or right, it’s whatever is easiest for you to look back over them when you need.

I give gratitude a minimum of three times a day, but often much more. On waking I am grateful for my clean, comfy bed, sleeping well, and if I don’t sleep well, I find something else to be grateful for. It really is your choice to focus on gratitude = the positive or the negative.

 Are you a negative Nancy? If yes, is it time to change? It’s your choice!

  1.  Getting into nature

One of my favourite grounding solutions is hanging in nature. I am very lucky to living in nature, making it easy to be just outside.  Reality is, nature is outside for all of us, it’s matter of perspective.

There are lots of other solutions like crystal, or grounding sheets n

Anywhere you can find grass, or dirt you can ground. Get your shoes off and walk, sit or lie on the ground—it’s that simple.

Remember, all our needs are different, tailor your needs to you!

  1.  Stay Connected

Being by yourself can be a wonderful thing, but it can also be deeply isolating if it’s too frequent. If you don’t know other people who are in the same situation as you, it can feel like no-one understands your challenges or the issues you’re facing. It’s a pretty easy choice to become a victim. Then in no time, you may have noticed you have disconnected from your world, and you are unsure how to get back in—I have had many clients tell me this, like they are looking at life instead of living in life… is this you? This usually happens because you are no longer grounded, and getting grounded seems impossible.

However, if you want to remain grounded, or become grounded once more, you need to make a choice to stay linked to the people who matter in your life. I am not saying return to the ones your tried so hard to get away from, but to look at ways you can connect with those you do align to….those who support and care about you, by being grounded you’ll can usually experience your confidence return too.

Making new connections can be scary, difficult, and really throw you out of your comfort zone…… but being open to new and different perspectives can really open your eyes to unique solutions, new friends, and new opportunities, unfortunately most of this is up to you, you need to make that choice….there it is again! Your Choice.

  1.  Staying Grounded

You can never overground. Make grounding your secret weapon! 

Grounding comes in many quick or longer forms of activity, requiring very little skill, from taking your shoes off and walking on the grass or dirt to submerging yourself in water, using a grounding mat, sheets, socks, blankets, the list goes on…Personally, I like the natural, free option, connecting with Mother Nature.

Most of us find the best grounding solution for us as individuals, you just need to work out what works best for you, maybe you need to mix it up to fit in with your lifestyle.

Consistency and habits are free and key to continuous grounding…Once you find the strategy that works for you, make it a regular part of your day and life.

Now get grounding!

NOTE: Many of the grounding techniques performed in nature, such as walking through the grass or swimming at the beach, are relatively safe however if you suffer condition like chronic fatigue, pain, and anxiety may have underlying medical causes that need to be addressed, please discuss your options with your doctor before using grounding therapy.